Custom Printed Packaging by Howard Packaging

Howard Packaging only sells to the retail, food service and promotional products trade.
We do not sell products to or ship sample kits to individuals.


5 Sustainability Challenges Businesses Must Overcome

Running a sustainable business often requires an investment of time and money, which can become rather expensive for small businesses that have limited funds in which to invest in extras that aren't directly related to research, production, and sales. However, engaging in sustainable practices can become a beneficial project in many ways. According to Bioneers, … Read more

5 Sustainable New Year’s Resolutions for Your Business

Engaging in sustainable practices benefits businesses of all sizes and types, but many business owners just don't know where to start down the path to eco-consciousness. A simple and easily implemented sustainable practice like recycling is a good start, but this only scratches the surface of the number of sustainable practices a business owner may consider on … Read more

What Did We Learn in 2016? Our Top 5 Blog Posts

With the economy on a steady track of improvement, today's small business owners have the opportunity to create valuable growth within their organizations. One of the best ways to continue positive growth is to examine the past year for its triumphs, failures, and discoveries. In 2016, we published several blog posts designed to help you … Read more

3 Easy Steps Toward Sustainable Packaging

Small business owners today have many opportunities to engage in sustainable practices at the workplace and throughout the lifecycle of their products and services, and sustainable packaging is an excellent way to being a journey toward an eco-friendly business model. The Sustainable Packaging Coalition offers a wealth of resources and information on creating sustainable packaging … Read more

How to Use Events to Showcase Your Business Sustainability Efforts

business sustainability

Corporate responsibility and business sustainability are hot topics in the business world because of the benefit they can bring to a business's bottom line, as well as the value to the planet. Using events to showcase your business's sustainability efforts may have a very positive effect on customer relations and positive press. Here's what you need … Read more

How to Become a ZERO Waste Business

A recycling bin in the corner and a company recycling policy are helpful ways to encourage eco-friendly habits at your business, but it is within virtually every business's ability to become a "zero waste business" today.  Not only are there real-world options that can provide your business with tangible green projects, but there are also … Read more

Things You Can Do With Recycled Packaging

An essential facet of maintaining a sustainable business model includes recycling and using recycled packaging. However, traditional recycling efforts where everyone tosses their packaging in the recycling bins at the office is just a small part of what any business – small or large – can do to ensure an effective recycling campaign. As you're … Read more

Earth Day Sustainability Success Stories

Each day millions of people around the world celebrate Earth Day with small gestures and gifts to the planet. Some cities encourage commuters to take public transportation and other areas promote tree-planting initiatives. As significant users of the planet's natural resources, businesses have a responsibility to the planet and its citizens to reduce waste and … Read more

Why Customers Want Eco-Friendly Environmentally Friendly Packaging

Small businesses today often introduce sustainable practices in the workplace, at the point of manufacturing, or in other areas where energy and material goods are used to produce a product or service. Adopting a sustainable business model may also help attract customers who want eco-friendly or environmentally friendly packaging. Today's consumers are educated and environmentally-conscious, … Read more

Why Sustainability Matters

When we think of sustainability, it is very often a concept that we discuss as an abstract idea with some elemental suggestions about using less energy, recycling, and thinking about the future. However, the concept is not one that we can afford to put off until another day. It's not an idea for the future; … Read more

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